There are three levels of involvement in the ČKMA:
- Supporter
- Regular member
- Certified member
1. Supporter
Whether you're a blockchain or cryptocurrency fan, a crypto-evangelist, a hodler, a trader, or you're "just" interested in technological innovation and love freedom, become a supporter and:
- support the promotion of the values on which cryptocurrencies are built: freedom, openness, faith in people and in technology. We will advocate these values on your behalf with the state and central institutions, promote them in the business world, and spread them to the public
- you will receive regular information on the areas that the ČKMA is dedicated to, i.e. in particular:
- current and forthcoming legislation in the field of cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic, the EU and worldwide
- statements of the Association on current topics in the field of cryptocurrencies (e.g. press releases, texts for the media, etc.)
- educational and awareness-raising texts (blog articles, etc.)
Support can be any contribution to the Association's activities. The amount of the contribution is voluntary (minimum amount 200,- CZK / year) and is valid for the calendar year. Payment can be made in CZK as well as in cryptocurrencies (BTC, LTC, lightning BTC).
2. Regular member
Companies or professionals in the cryptocurrency industry who become regular members of the ČKMA will have everything that supporters have, plus extra:
- publication of their company profile in the ČKMA member list
- first-hand information about the activities of the ČKMA, including the opportunity to participate in joint meetings of members, where everyone can speak, present their opinion and influence the activities of the Association
- the opportunity to participate in the legislative process (Czech and European) by commenting on laws: the ČKMA aggregates the views/comments of all ordinary and certified members and passes them on through the formal commenting point of the Czech Chamber of Commerce
Regular membership is subject to payment of a monthly membership fee of CZK 2,600 (payment can be made in CZK or in cryptocurrencies - BTC, LTC, Lightning BTC) and compliance with the values described in the Association's Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct on the Cryptocurrency Market
3. Certified Member
This is the highest level of membership that allows everything a regular member does, plus extra:
- the opportunity to participate in the Association's ongoing decision-making in all its activities (participation and voting rights at working meetings)
- voting rights at general meetings
- access to Association documents (minutes of working meetings, working texts, minutes of meetings and correspondence with partners or authorities, draft press releases, etc.)
- the possibility to connect to the shared AML information exchange system
- possibility to attend meetings in person with partners, whether from the public sector, the banking sector or other partner organisations
- possibility to use the ČKMA logo in online and offline presentations
Membership is possible after successful completion of the Certification Program and payment of a monthly membership fee in the amount according to the size of the company. The amount of the membership fee is determined as follows:
- small company (up to 20mil turnover/year): 5 300,- CZK / month
- medium-sized company (up to 200mil CZK turnover): 10 600,- CZK / month
- large company (up to 2 billion CZK / year): 21 300 CZK / month
- super large company (over 2 billion CZK / year): 42 700 CZK / month
You can pay in CZK or in cryptocurrencies (BTC, LTC, lightning BTC) for a month, a quarter or a year in advance.
General conditions
Membership fees for regular and certified members can be paid monthly, quarterly or annually (in advance); supporters pay an annual fee.
Membership in the Association commences on the date of payment of the first fee (for certified members, certification must be granted at the same time) and expires on the date of receipt of notice of termination or expulsion, or if the member/supporter has not paid fees for three consecutive months.
The ČKMA reserves the right to refuse an application for membership without giving any reason, in particular to protect its reputation.
The ČKMA may reduce or waive membership fees entirely, for example, in the case of special merit or contribution by a member.