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The Czech Crypto Association is an association of crypto enthusiasts and entrepreneurs in the crypto industry. We promote the values on which the world of cryptocurrencies is built: freedom, openness, faith in people and in technology - both in relation to the state and central institutions, as well as to the businesses and the public.

We bring together companies and individuals who care about how the cryptocurrency industry is perceived by the public, government authorities, or representatives of other industries. Who care about the business, legislative and regulatory environment in the Czech Republic and Europe in the field of cryptocurrencies. And who want to spread the good name of crypto and awareness that the crypto industry has already matured and the quality of services already surpasses many a sector of the traditional economy.

Česká kryptoměnová asociace - předseda František Vinopal

Czech republic as the european crypto hub

Akce na podporu legislativního balíčku podzim 24

Cryptocurrency Legislative Package, Fall 2024

On Friday, December 6, 2024, the Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved a groundbreaking package of cryptocurrency laws, with all present members voting in favor. The crypto-friendly legislation was supported by Prime Minister Petr Fiala, the leader of the largest parliamentary party, Andrej Babiš, as well as the chairpersons of all parliamentary clubs.

With such broad political support, the Czech Republic is rightfully becoming Europe's cryptocurrency hub and a gateway for innovation.

More here


economic STUDY ON


Cryptocurrencies could generate tens of billions for the state

11.4.2023 CKMA publishes an economic study on the state and potential of the crypto industry in the Czech Republic. The authors of the study are economists Lukáš Kovanda, Jan Šincl and the collective of Prague university of economics and business.  "The Czech Republic has huge innovation potential in the industry it co-founded and shaped. But it is also an economic issue, as it is a growing sector with a growing impact on public finances.  ... it's only a matter of time before this issue will figure prominently in the elections."


Krypto je džungle. Někdo to tak má rád - pro ostatní je tu ČKMA.

Dominik Stroukal |economist, member of the National Economic Council

Ve světě krypta je Česká republika globální velmocí. Udává směr, inovuje a aktivně formuje budoucnost. Nyní se však nachází na křižovatce, kde může své postavení buď upevnit, nebo ztratit. Úkolem ČKMA je vyrovnat se krypto průmyslu a vytvořit pro něj v České republice prostředí, které je z nejlepších světě a odpovídá jeho ambicím a potenciálu.

Alex Pilař |top manager, crypto evangelist

ČKMA hraje nezastupitelnou roli v osvětě veřejnosti, médií, ale i politické reprezentace, čímž celé kryptoměnové scéně výrazně napomáhá etablovat se a rozvíjet tak svůj inovativní potenciál, důležitý pro celý další rozkvět české ekonomiky. S ČKMA vždy rád spolupracuji.

Lukáš Kovanda |economist, member of the National Economic Council

V následujících 10 letech rozhodneme o tom, jestli budou kryptoměny životaschopným paralelním peněžním systémem, nebo okrajovým experimentem. Členstvím v ČKMA aktivně podpoříte první variantu.

Radim Kozub |Attorney at Law and co-founder of Blockchain Legal